Passive bias supply PCB

So pretty much like my Filament PCBs, I wanted to make a PCB for the passive section to my bias supplies in the Yojimbo and future amplifiers. It's just a fancy passive supply with some filtering caps etc. There will be a regulator board in the signal chassis to provide a stable DC bias for the tube in question.

I've added a small 2x24V transformer on the PCB along with a switch to select 24Vac or 48Vac output, should I want to use this on tubes with lower bias voltages and not need to drop 24V somewhere.

They supply should be able to output 60-65Vdc with two windings in series. We'll see what it does when it is built, as I only need 38-40V on the grids and maybe 10V extra for some headroom on the regulator.


01-08-2018 Status report: PCB layout is finished, I am just waiting on the Filament supply PCBs to get here to see if they turned out okay before I have more PCBs made.



